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MSU Fertilizer (19-4-23) Well Water Blend For Orchids, Aroids & Tropicals

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Originally formulated for Well Water Usage but now widely used with Tap Water, Rain Water and Reverse Osmosis Water

Manufactured by Greencare

The nutritional program at Michigan State University is vastly different from the majority of recommendations circulating within the horticultural world about the fertilization of orchids and other plants. This fertilizer is now being referred to as “Michigan State University’s Magic Fertilizer.” Well Water Special or 19-4-23 was designed to complement the well water found at Michigan State University

Analysis of the well water MSU grounds, which is pH 7.9, is approximately as follows

(ppm = parts per million or- milligrams per liter):
Calcium = 104 ppm elemental
Magnesium + 34 ppm elemental
Sodium + 8.5 ppm elemental
Potassium = 1.4 ppm elemental
Iron + 0.84 ppm elemental
Manganese + 0.04 ppm elemental
Copper + 0.70 ppm elemental
Zinc = 0.17 ppm
Sulfate (as SO4) = 91 ppm
Bicarbonate + 383 ppm

Due to the extreme variability of well-water mineral content, the RO Water Special formula is the preferred choice for the home grower, however this blend has been used for water sources not on well water with excellent results.

The MSU Fertilizers were designed and formulated for use in the MSU research and teaching greenhouse ranges on a broad range of horticultural crops: Easter lilies, poinsettias, annual bedding flowers, perennials — just about everything but orchids, but the formula proved to be exceptionally good for them resulting in scores of awarded plants.

It is recommended give two to three applications of the fertilizer followed by a generous root drench of water (Fertilize for three weeks, then the 4th week just apply regular water to flush out any salts which may have built up in the pots).

Our packaging is perfect for those with small collections. Each bag contains  8oz. (1/2lb.) of granulated MSU Fertilizer with a measuring scoop included. The package is a metal mylar package with a resealable zipper to ensure no moisture intrusion. Small packages were specifically chosen to allow for cheaper shipping options, to help with storage as well as to reduce any large loss from potential moisture exposure (Those of you who have lost a 5lb bag of fertilizer to moisture intrusion will know just how frustrating this is)


Total Nitrogen  19%
      Nitrate Nitrogen 13.6%
      Ammoniacal Nitrogen 5.4%
Phosphate 4%
Potassium 23%
Calcium 2%
Boron 0.016%
Copper (Soluble) 0.08%
Iron (Chelated) 0.16%
Manganese (Soluble) 0.08%
Molybdenum 0.016%
Zinc (Soluble) 0.08%


Derived from: ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, boric acid, calcium nitrate, copper sulphate, iron EDTA, manganese sulfate, potassium nitrate, sodium molybdate and zinc sulfate